The 2016 JLF Script Writing competition is open to all irrespective of age, religion or social background. The theme for this year is to pick a story or chapter or verse from the bible and write a synopsis into the present day or the future

Contestants would be given 2 weeks to submit their synopses.
The judges would each pick the best 6 synopsis.

The shortlisted contestants would be given 2 weeks to fully develop their synopses in either of the categories below .
Short film
Full length feature film
Mini Series.

After which a winner would emerge.

Upload Synopsis

All scripts to be uploaded on this website

Entries For The 2016 JLF Writing Competition Are Closed!
For this Second edition of our writing competition, we have received many
interesting and creative synopses.

We would therefore like to thank all participants and wish them good luck! Our panels of Judges are now evaluating each submitted.
We would be announcing the winners in January on our website.
The judges have compiled a list five top tips for all entrants:
  • Be clear before you start what it is you are trying to say.

  • Any piece should have a strong introduction, an interesting middle, and a punchy ending.

  • Be sure the writing contains enough practical elements to keep the reader hooked, i.e. the right amounts of narrative, dialogue, and description. Nobody likes to read overlong pieces of text.

  • Don’t worry if writing seems like hard work. It is quite common for a serious writer to ‘brainstorm’ in order to get a good result.

  • Always keep your readers or listeners in mind and never forget that you are writing for them - not for you. Good luck!

To Check the Judges Profile Click here